Advertising Techniques – Government Terminology

This topic delves into the darker side of advertising, namely, the use of government-themed terminology to make a business sound more authoritative and official. Gold Sales: Businesses that sell physical gold use this technique profusely. They often start with the name of the company.  Simply type “buy gold” into a search engine and you’ll see…

Advertising Techniques – Twist on a Colloquialism

Another oft-used advertising technique is using a colloquialism, already non-literal in nature, in yet another surprising way.  These can draw reader’s attention for being subtle and clever, or overt and stupid. An exemplary example of this technique is the Intuit advertisement from a 2010 issue of Forbes magazine [1]Forbes – February 8, 2010 – Page 59.  A…

Advertising Techniques – Two-Way Corporate Personification

No need to waste time discussing mascots as corporate personification…Aflac duck, Ronald McDonald, Trix Rabbit, etc.  But there are subtleties to the Geico Gecko worth noting. Observe the statement that this iconic character “…hasn’t been working nearly that long, but he’s certainly been helping establish…” [1]one location being the April 26, 2010 edition of Forbes,…