Indirect Questions…A Grammatical Concept to Blow Your Mind!

In language, we intuitively know that there is more than meets the eye….or ear…when dealing with some sentences.  But often, we just can’t put our finger on that something.  Grammar can be boring.  Adjectives, nouns, verbs, word order….so dry….  But occasionally, one encounters a grammatical concept that acts as the finger mentioned a few sentences…

Advertising Techniques – Government Terminology

This topic delves into the darker side of advertising, namely, the use of government-themed terminology to make a business sound more authoritative and official. Gold Sales: Businesses that sell physical gold use this technique profusely. They often start with the name of the company.  Simply type “buy gold” into a search engine and you’ll see…

In life as in Stock Trading…Don’t Chase!

When a stock is in the midst of an aggressive run, it is common knowledge not to chase the price. “My order didn’t fill at $2.00, maybe I should try for $2.05…now those are gone!  Better try at $2.10…” Never a good idea!  Assuming the goal of the trade is to actually make money, you’ll…

Open the Floodgates: When Price Stays High with Too Much Supply

It’s a common dilemma….when to exit a position in a stock or commodity in the midst of a strong uptrend.  With plenty of arguments about traders exiting too early (see Trend Following by Michael Covel for example), the decision to exit can be a tough one. One possible sell indicator is an honest assessment of…

Searching the Internet – Searching for GIFs

There are both positives and negatives to the vast amount of content available online.  The positives (increased access to knowledge and entertainment, platform for sharing ideas, etc.) are obvious.  Unfortunately, so are the negatives.  More often than not, you find yourself wading through advertisements and computer-written, irrelevant content most of the time.  In this age…